
Gene Day - Master of Kung Fu 3

A gothic/film noir page by Steranko rom Nick Fury#4 - Is Gene Day a Steranko clone? Yes! and no. He evidently did virtually cannibalize Steranko's stuff - his entire approach is essentially based on Steranko's cinematic storytelling innovations . However I do think that he adapted, synthesized and unified the experimental, mercurial Steranko material - and thus presents a relevant evolution in the cinematic approach to graphic storytelling - moreover to Steranko's Jack Kirby cartoony dynamics, Day replaces with a Russ Heath realism and further pushes the Steranko film noir elements to a more expressionistic/gothic esthetic.
Page 2 - panel 1 - a dramatic perspective of an old castle under a full moon - the gothic mood established in classic romantic fashion.
panels 2-3-4-5 - Subdivided panel - classic cinematic effect - effective used of perspective to focus on panel 4 - 666 station on the radio - adds a touch foreboding - effective use of 'soundtrack' a Rolling Stones song punctuates storyline...
Panel 6 - Effectively merged with panel 1 - to create a full page design and accentuate the dramatic use of perspective
Page 3 - panel 1 - zoom from panle 6, page 2
panel 2 - Gothic window shot - window panes added with shadows of window panes create foreboding, labyrithinc atmosphere
panel 3 - Silhouette montage shot of Fu Manchu
panel 4 - effective dramatic montage of Fu Manchu over fire - notice phoenix symbol - text and whole panel is contrasted to text in panel 6, page 2 - prefigures double-page structure throughout most of story...

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